myslite si,ze ste inteligentni?

Príspevok v téme: myslite si,ze ste inteligentni?

by ma zaujimalo ci si viete o sebe povedat ze ste inteligenti a ked ano viete mi aj napisat v com?dakujem pekne.pytam sa preto,pretoze sa stale podcenujem,ze som hlupy:-(ci uz co sa tyka slovnej zasoby,slabo si viem zapametat aj tie najdolezitejsie slovicka co sa pouzivaju a tak celkovo,chcem vediet ci si viete to o sebe povedat.dakujem


uhlie- Ano, nezamestnanemu moze platit stat, ale iba ak si zaregistrovany ako nezamestnany. Musis splnit podmienky. Napriklad ked sa vratis zo zahranicia, chcu od teba vela papierov, ak nemas, nezaregistruju ta, nebudes mat zdravotnu, budes si to musiet zaplatit sam ako samoplatca. Taketo nieco neexistuje v UK. Narok na zdravotnu ma kazdy. Chapenzi.

A odpoved na otazku znie, cele ludstvo je sproste. Amen



ja ta nechytam za slovicka. Ako si to myslel neviem, viem len to, co si napisal. A na to som ti odpovedal. Pre niekoho to moze byt zadarmo , ale pre vsetkych urcite nie. Aj na Slovensku plati cloveku zdravotne poistenie stat, ak je nezamestnany. V tom teda rozdiel nevidim.


uhlie-nechytaj ma za slovicka. Vies, ako som to myslela s tym zadarmo. U nas platis dane a zdravotnu zvlast, ked nemas v poriadku papiere a nerobis, musis si zdravotnu platit ako samoplatca alebo vsetky ukony platit zvlast, ak nemas poistku. To v UK neexistuje. K tomu som sa snazila vyjadrit, ale nepochopila si ma. Cize ked nezarabas, nepoberas davky, neprispievas nijak statu len tam byvas, aj tak nemusis platit za zdravotnu v UK a dokonca ani karticka poistenca tam neexistuje. Ano, zaplati sa to z dani a NIC, cize z penazi inych, ale pre teba kedze si hnida leniva je to uplne zadarmo. (to je akoze priklad s tou hnidou) :-)
Cize kto nerobi v UK, aj tak ma narok na zdravotnu free, bez toho aby dostaval davky alebo si to platil ako samoplatca.

A mimochodom prave pozeram Foresta Gumpa, ak sa chces pridat :-) a IQ mal 75 nie 80



mas to v tom clanku napisane. Zadarmo tu zdravotnu starostlivost nemas nikdy. Ludia ju musia platit z dani vzdy. Ak si nezamestnana, alebo z Afganistanu, tak ti ju zaplatia ini ludia (z dani), ale zadarmo nie je. Zadarmo by bola, keby lekari nebrali ziadny plat a robili by to len pre svoj dobry pocit.


"Healthcare in England
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Healthcare in England is mainly provided by England's public health service, the National Health Service, that provides healthcare to all permanent residents of the United Kingdom that is free at the point of need and paid for from general taxation. Since health is a devolved matter, there are differences with the provisions for healthcare elsewhere in the United Kingdom.[1] Though the public system dominates healthcare provision in England, private health care and a wide variety of alternative and complementary treatments are available for those willing to pay.

The National Health Service (NHS) is the publicly funded healthcare system in England. The NHS provides healthcare to anyone normally resident in the UK with most services free at the point of use for the patient though there are charges associated with eye tests, dental care, prescriptions, and many aspects of personal care.

The NHS provides the majority of healthcare in England, including primary care, in-patient care, long-term healthcare, ophthalmology and dentistry. The National Health Service Act 1946 came into effect on 5 July 1948. Private health care has continued parallel to the NHS, paid for largely by private insurance, but it is used by less than 8% of the population[citation needed], and generally as a top-up to NHS services. Recently there have been some examples where unused private sector capacity has been used to increase NHS capacity and in some cases the NHS has commissioned the private sector to establish and run new facilities on a sub contracted basis. Some new capital programs have been financed through the private finance initiative. The involvement of the private sector remains relatively small yet, according to one survey by the BMA, a large proportion of the public oppose such involvement.[2]

Funding and management
The NHS is largely funded from general taxation (including a proportion from National Insurance payments).[3] Most of the expenditure of The Department of Health (£98.6 billion in 2008-9[4]) is spent on the NHS.

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iq- Ak zarabas, tak cast dani a poplatkov, co ti strhava zamestnavatel, ide do statnej kasy a tym funduju zdravotnictvo. Ak nerobis, mas lekara zadara. Ak prides z Afganistanu, tiez mas zadara, dokym ta nevyhodia z krajiny. Ak si student, tiez mas zadara. Ak si self-employed, tiez zadara. Apropo, Platis NIC a dan, ale to nie je specificky pre zdravotnu.
Vystudovala som pravo v Anglicku, budes sa so mnou este hadat?Vdaka
Osobne skusenosti, tiez, nerobila som a mala som zadarmo lekarov, vysetrenia atd...nikoho nezaujimalo ci robim atd...staci byt registrovany u lekara a registruju kazdeho. Ak je to cez sukromneho, vtedy platis a platis aj za recept v kazdom pripade. Tak nech sa tu so mnou nejaky robotnik nehada!


prepacte,neviem kto tu trepol ze v anglicku je zdrav.poistovna zadarmo,tak sa velmi myyyyli,pretoze kazdi kto je zamestnani,ci uz tam ci tam,musi byt poisteni a ziadny debil to nerobi znamena,ze aj v angl.platis,teda zamestnavatel ti strhava z vyplaty prachy za poistenie.chapito?


uhlie omg ty si lolo :) nikde zadarmo zdravotna poistka :) zato ze si o tom nepocul neznamena ze to nieje no nemam pravdu? ( recnicka otazka, jasne ze mam)