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pokial nekrachnu :)

a potrebujes posielat tie linky aj niekomu inemu, alebo len pre osobny ucel?

Z media fire:

How long does Mediafire store files?

For MediaPro subscribers, your uploaded files will be stored forever as long as your Pro account is active. For free accounts, there is currently no time limit on how long uploaded files will be stored as long as you access your account (i.e. login to your account) and your files are being accessed (i.e. downloaded) on a regular basis. Every account is different and different accounts may become idle at different times. As a file sharing service, our goal is to flush out users who are through using MediaFire and their data is collecting dust.

Users receive at least 3 notification emails that files are pending for deletion before any deletion actually occurs. Logging into your account is sufficient to prevent deletions.

dolezite info z toho su:

"Logging into your account is sufficient to prevent deletions."

prakticky to znamena, ze sa musis aspon "pravidelne" (teda aspon raz za cas to tak myslia) prihlasit na ucet, aby si vyzeral ako aktivny uzivatel, ale pred samotnym vymazanim dostanes 3notifikacie na email...

cize zostane to tam tak dlho, pokial nezmenia tieto podmienky. a ak zmenia, MALI BY poslat email ze su v ohrozeni :)

cize odpoved je, ano, AKUTALNE, to tam zostane "navzdy" ale .. ma to svoje ALE ;)


Pre ververeka:

vyzerá to dobre,už som to aj vyskušal. Ale bude to tam navždy? a mimochodom musím sa aj registrovať, alebo nie? Lebo po anlicky moc neviem, dik.