Skúsenosti s cipralexom


usiko ake mas ty problemy, ked si musela zacat uzivat ad...?aj ked si uz prestala a odkedy sa tvoje problemy tahaju...
mne ad velmi pomohli, ale neznasam ich zato co urobili s mojou sex. tuzbou...ja som bola taka aktivna a toto ma polozilo:(....
som z toho smutna...
a dalej mam sto chuti prejst z ad na tieto prirodne prostriedky, ale kedze to trva uz dlshie, nejake roky, mam strach ako to urobit...neveim postup...pomaly znozovat ad a zacinat brat tie prirodne produkty???? hmmmm, je to tazke, ale velmi to chcem vyskusat...
RNG myslis ze to mozem zvladnut, uz sa dlho odhodlavam, ale myslim ze pomaly ale iste prichadza ten cas, kedy sa musim pohnut dalej


ja by som len chcela dodat k problematike hypericin vs.antikoncepcia-k tej interakcii moze dojst na metabolickej urovni,lubovnik urychluje metabolizmus niektorych lieciv a tieto potom nemusia dosiahnut pozadovanu ucinnu hladinu v krvi a potom nefunguju ako maju... treba zvazit aj takuto zalezitost.


nonia, RNG mi poradil, ze rovnaky ucinok ako cipralex ma 5 HTP, ten vyraba serotoni, ktory mozog potrebuje, a tiez St Johns Wort, teda vsetko ma RNG v predajni, ja to uz mam doma a zacala som brat tak cakam na ucinky ale ja verim, ze to pomoze,....Cipralex ak nemusis, tak neber, fakt ma vela neziad. ucinkov, ja som ho brala tyzden a citila som sa ok, az na to ze som bola neprirodzene kludna, nic ma nerozhodilo a bolo mi vsetko akoby jedno...mala som v trubke, viez a sex som po prvej tabletke uz ani neprezivala, bol o nicom....a vraj tieto sexual. disfunkcie mozu pretrvat dlho po vysadeni cipralexu, takze dakujem ale nie, som rozhodnuta sa s tym popasovat s prirodnymi liecivami....obe spomenute kapsule sa da objednat u RNG predajni, reklama tu je skoro vsade vacsinou na spodku stranky,alebo vpravo...


usiko, napises mi prosim co ti poradil RNG, lebo ja mam odma ten cipralex, ale velmi sa bojim dat si ho, ale nejake lieky by som potrebovala, lebo uz mi je velmi zle a neviem teraz co mam robit. Mam este aj Frontin, mam si dat aspon ten? prosim poradte mi niekto.


no je to indiv. ale pise sa v letaku, aj rng napisal ze aj mesiace, roky alebo neurcita doba po vysadeni mozu byt bez orgazmu....ja som to brala len tyzdn ale tento ucinok som pocitila hned....takze ich neberiem,,,,rng mi poradil nieco ine a som v pohode,,,,


Citalopram is generally considered safe and well-tolerated in the therapeutic dose range of 20 to 60 mg/day. A doctor must always monitor a patient taking an SSRI like citalopram. Distinct from some other agents in its class, citalopram exhibits linear pharmacokinetics and minimal drug interaction potential, making it a better choice for the elderly or comorbid patients.[6] Citalopram should be taken with caution when using St John's wort.[7]

Citalopram can have a number of adverse effects. In clinical trials, over 10% of patients reported one or more of the following side effects: fatigue, drowsiness, dry mouth, increased sweating (hyperhidrosis), trembling, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances, insomnia, cardiac arrhythmia, blood pressure changes, nausea and/or vomiting, diarrhea, heightened anorgasmia in females, impotence and ejaculatory problems in males. In rare cases (around over 1% of cases), some allergic reactions, convulsions, mood changes, anxiety and confusion have been reported. Also sedation may be present during treatment of citalopram. If this occurs it is advisable to take the dose at bedtime instead of in the morning.

Another uncommon side effect is bruxism (teeth grinding).[8] When patients start using citalopram they may experience a feeling similar to electricity or minor shocks in their upper body and in their hands. This is caused by the chemical changes occurring in the brain and they pass with time. Occasionally, panic attacks, thoughts of suicide or self-injury may occur or increase in the first few weeks, before the antidepressant effect starts.[9]

Citalopram and other SSRIs have been shown to cause sexual side effects in some patients, both males and females.[10] Although usually reversible, these sexual side effects can sometimes last for months, years or possibly indefinitely even after the drug has been completely withdrawn. This disorder is known as Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction.

Citalopram is contraindicated in individuals taking MAOIs. It is considered relatively safe in overdose, although fatal cases of dosages 840 mg to 1960 mg have been reported.[11]

SSRI discontinuation syndrome has been reported when treatment is stopped. Tapering off citalopram therapy, as opposed to abrupt discontinuation, is recommended in order to diminish the occurrence of discontinuation symptoms.

Tak tu je jasne napisane, ze je navykova droga, tj nemozno ho len tak prestat brat, trva to aj mesiac postupneho znizovania davok.
Nakoniec to poznam aj z osobnej skusenosti, mojmu ekonomovi to nasadili bez jeho vedomosti v nemocnici, skoro ho to polozilo, cely sa triasol, nebol schopny sa poriadne pohybovat alebo plynule rozpravat, postupne znizuje davky uz 6 tyzden, uz nebere nic, velmi sa zlepsil ale este stale citi dozvuky.
Samozrejme mladi ludia to nemaju tak zle(on ma 83 rokov), ale ked ti lekar povedal, ze Cipralex nie je navykovy, najdi si ineho lekara....


Cipralex/Lexapro= escitalopram a celexa=cipramil su len stereoizomery, tj viacmenej ta ista latka,a aj jej zle ucinky.Uvediem zo slovnika:


Deprim forte obsahuje 1mg hypericinu na kapsulu.
Odporucany mnou 3x1 gram st johns wort(0.3% hypericin) je 3 x 3 mg hypericinu.
Produkt ktory odporucam (a moja zena pouziva) su 300 mg kapsulky, z ktorych kazda obsahuje 0.9 mg(+-5%, to je pravidlo na GMP produkty).
Ona ich berie 3 zakazdym, ked na nu lezie depresia alebo citi psychologicky tlak, stress.
Niekedy aj 3 krat denne, niekedy aj par dni po sebe ich nepotrebuje.