Vodná fajka - fakt taká škodlivá?

Príspevok v téme: Vodná fajka - fakt taká škodlivá?

Chcem sa spýtať, čo si myslíte o fajčení vodnej fajky. Ja ju fajčím príležitostne (raz za mesiac) už asi 3 roky a rodičia ma za to nehorázne odsudzujú. Nič iné návykové neberiem, nefajčím normálne cigarety - dokonca aj pasívne fajčenie z duše neznášam, nepijem už ani víno. Len toto je moj jediný neduh tohoto druhu, proste po celom týždni v práci a v škole občas potrebujem takto vypnúť. Je to podľa vás naozaj také škodlivé? Na internete sú nejaké články ale zväčša dosť neaktuálne a chcem vedieť či to naozaj tak vážne poškodzuje zdravie.


Na F 1 akurat"hlasili" ze
-kdyz se nacpete uzenymi klobaskami, salamami, slaninou
-tak to je jako kdyby ste vykourili krabicku cigaret


a tak to ze jedno potiahnutie z vodnej fajky je skodlivejsie ako z cigarety je uz davno zname ... len nejako som sa nedostal k info ze jedna taka hodinova session pri vodnej raz do tyzdna v porovnani s 10timi cigaretymi denne ... to by ma skor zaujimalo...


2 doubledog podla mna obsahuje... akurat ze nehori ... si zober ze to co mas v tom tabaku ten lekvar tak ten vdychnes


to vieme toto info bolo +- aj na tej stranke co som sem postol..tu ide ale o to ze vodnu fajku si clovek asi nezapali pocas obednej pauzy a teda malokto sa stane dennym uzivatelom.


cize ak to spravne chapem, zaver je taky, ze sice ten dym neobsahuje tolko skodlivin ako klasicky dym z tabaku, ale zas pocas fajcenia shishe ho clovek inhaluje o dost viac ako fajciar cigariet.


A tu mas nieco o CO a PAH

Hookah pipes have a reputation for being the lesser of evils when it comes to smoking options, and from certain perspectives, this is true. Smoking a hookah doesn't have to mean smoking tobacco or taking in nicotine, which are common substances associated with smoking. But hookah smoking has its own demon — combusted charcoal — which carries health risks even when non-tobacco shisha is used.

When charcoal is burned to create the hookah effect, it releases chemicals in the process, namely carbon monoxide (CO) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). In addition to inhaling byproducts of the shisha, waterpipe smokers also inhale fairly large quantities of these combustion-related toxins — a hidden health risk associated with hookah smoking, even for non-tobacco shisha.

One recent study found that in a typical hookah smoking session, participants inhaled more carbon monoxide than someone who smokes a pack or more a day of conventional cigarettes. While hookah tobacco (or non-tobacco shisha) can be bought with very trace amounts of nicotine, or even be tobacco-free, most hookah devices are solely designed for charcoal burning to be the mechanism of inhalation. Tobacco tends to burn more slowly than many of the fruit and molasses contents in non-tobacco shishas. And so, while it is true that you aren't inhaling tobacco smoke, the sustained burning of the charcoal carries the risk of extended exposure to these chemicals. Even at low levels of exposure, both CO and PAH have corrosive and carcinogenic properties, just like most combustion by-products.

Hookah smokers in particular, can be exposed to:

Charcoal or wood cinder combustion products, which can increase the amount of cancer and heart disease causing agents in the smoke;
Additional smoke inhalation, compared to cigarette smokers, due to both the typical length of time spent smoking hookah as well as the second hand smoke from others in the vicinity;
Communicable diseases spread through saliva


No ako zdrave to urcite nebude, zatial som nenasiel clanok kde by sa tvrdilo ze je to zdrave. Celkovo.

A 2005 WHO report[3] states that smoking using a waterpipe poses a serious potential health hazard and is not a safe alternative to cigarette smoking. The average hookah session typically lasts more than 40 minutes, and consists of 50 to 200 inhalations that each range from 0.15 to 0.50 liters of smoke.[54][55] In an hour-long smoking session of hookah, users consume about 100 to 200 times the volume of smoke of a cigarette. The chemical compositions of cigarette smoke and hookah smoke are different, however, as the workings of the charcoal in the modern hookah causes the tobacco mixture to be heated to a lower temperature, as opposed to the higher temperature in a cigarette where the tobacco is directly burnt. Consequently, the potential health effects of hookah smoke are expected to be very different.[56][57]

Despite a different chemical composition of the smoke, it is expected that heavy and long term use still has the potential to lead to diseases generally induced by tobacco, notably chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.[58] Mixtures with lighter concentrations or tobacco-free alternatives (e.g. tobamel, tea-leaf, molasses and glycerin-soaked stones) are widely available and aim to reduce the negative effects of tobacco.[59]

A 2008 aetiological study on hookah smoking and cancer led by a group of Pakistani researchers[60] found that overall serum CEA levels (as a biological marker for cancer) in exclusive hookah smokers, who had been using weight equivalents of up to 60 cigarettes of tobacco in daily sessions for decades, were higher than in non-smokers but substantially lower than those recorded in cigarette smokers considering the same amount of tobacco. The study also concluded that heavy and non-moderate hookah smoking (2–4 daily preparations; 3–8 sessions a day; 2 to 6 hours net daily smoking time) substantially raises CEA levels.[60]